Friday 15 August 2014

Divorce Attorneys Virginia Beach Adultery

If you are dealing with a divorce in Virginia or about to go through a divorce in Virginia, contact us for help.
We have client meeting locations in Fairfax Prince William Richmond Loudoun Virginia Beach Fredericksburg Lynchburg.
Contact our law firm today to speak with a lawyer today about your Divorce Case.  An attorney from our firm will do his best to help you.
We will do our absolute best to help you get the best result possible based on the facts of your case.  Our law firm has the necessary experience to assist you with this matter.
Gerald v. Gerald


            Defendant wife appealed from a decree of the Virginia Beach court, which found her guilty of adultery, divorced her from plaintiff husband, dissolved her of her right to the property of the husband, and awarded custody of their child to the husband.

            If you are facing a Divorce case in Virginia, contact a SRIS Law Group lawyer for help.  You can reach us at 888-437-7747


            The Virginia Court made the following holding:

  • It is an established maxim that a divorce is never to be decreed for adultery, or, indeed, for any other cause, upon the confession of the parties merely without auxiliary proofs, experience having shown that such a practice is productive of collusion and other flagitious frauds. A confession forced from the mind by the flattery of hope or by the torture of fear, comes in so questionable a shape, when it is to be considered as the evidence of guilt, that no credit ought to be given to it, and therefore it is rejected.
If you are dealing with a divorce in Virginia or about to go through a divorce in Virginia, contact us for help.

We have client meeting locations in Fairfax Prince William Richmond Loudoun Virginia Beach Fredericksburg Lynchburg.

Contact our law firm today to speak with a lawyer today about your Divorce Case.  An attorney from our firm will do his best to help you.

We will do our absolute best to help you get the best result possible based on the facts of your case. Our law firm has the necessary experience to assist you with this matter.


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